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Lets stop bullying for good

Hi All,

Today I am writing about Bullying and how it affects so many people and other people don’t seem to get whereas others find it acceptable. I am wanting to write this blog as I have been through my whole school life being bullied in many forms and it has shown to me that even though people can tell you many things and awful comments but what makes you stronger is being able to go through it.

I still don’t understand why I ever got bullied but my assumption is, is that people get bullied for many reasons and I was one of the unfortunate people that got bullied for being nice to everyone and seeing a different side to life that people forget to look at.

Many people go through bullying and the sad truth is that most of them commit suicide and don’t realise the full advantage of what you can do to get back at them. I’m not talking about revenge that you see nowadays on teen movies I’m talking about how you can show that you are a better person.

We get told that words shouldn’t bring us down or affect us, society is a horrible thing in life where you have to be a certain way otherwise you are associated as being odd or weird but I find it amazing how people can embrace who they are without being or feeling embarrassed. I keep getting told that I’m crazy, and I tell the person, I’d prefer to be happy in life then be classified as normal. But the real question is: What is normal? This is where bullying starts, a group of people get bored so they decide to attack someone and call them names.

I’m going to tell you my story in a bit. But first I want to outline the ways you can get bullied.

1) Homophobic Bullying - this form of bullying is one of the worst because it shows the victim that the people bullying don’t accept the victim for who they are. So they bully them for being gay, lesbian, bi and transgender.

2) Racist Bullying- people bully the person for the colour of their skin, bullies forget that no one can choose their skin colour. Embrace the fact that it’s different to yours. That it makes that person unique.

3) Religious Bullying - Bullying someone because their beliefs and morals are different to yours. At the end of the day what does it matter if you’re an atheist and someone else is a muslim, at the end of the day you are both human and both have red blood.

4) Sizeist Bullying- Bullying someone because of their size. So what if you’re thin and someone is fat? How does that change that person from being a person?

5) Cyberbullying- Bullying someone over the internet anomynously. If you do not know the person please do not respond to them. If you know the person please block the person. This is a form of bullying that has become so bad over time and has caused many problems to a lot of families. What if it was your family?

6) Bullying because you are different- So what if the person doesn’t like the same things as you or thinks the same as you. How would you like someone to do that to you?

There are many other forms of bullying that I have not mentioned.

My story

I can’t remember a time in the whole of my school life where I haven’t been bullied. But the time that really affected me the most was at Secondary school. I didn’t know for two years that I was being bullied. But then my friend left to go to Dubai with her family so I was alone. I got kicked and pushed to the ground whenever my year had the chance to do anything. I had some friends but I would come home from school with bruises and scratches. I got laughed at for being different. I got laughed at for being small. I got my hair pulled. I got laughed at for not being developed like the other girls. I still hadn’t started puberty. I kept wanting to be home from school because I wanted to be away from it, so I kept lying to my parents that I felt sick and had a stomach ache, it wasn’t until half way through year 8 that my parents realised what was happening. I would never tell my parents the full story. Still to this day they don’t know what happened to me. I got told a lot of things that brought down my self esteem, I got told “no one will ever love you”, “you’re a liar”, “you’re psychotic” the list is endless. I got laughed at cos my only friend was a boy. Yes it does happen people can be friends with the other gender. Then whenever we had sport I wouldn’t hate sport because of the fact that I didn’t like sport, I didn’t like sport because I would be pushed or talked about. I would choose to play football with the boys but even so that was awful. One day I was playing rounders and someone lifted their foot up as soon as I was close and waited so that I would trip up, I slid across the playground and the nail of my finger came off and my finger got infected. At that point I told my parents that I wanted to move schools. I told the teachers what had happened, all they did was move me at the lunch tables.

Please if you are a teacher reading this, do more than just move a child from a table at lunch.

I wish people would realise that it doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short or fat or skinny or black or white, we are all humans, we all have red blood, we all have feelings. Please treat someone how you want to be treated.

If you told someone that they’re weird or ugly or any other mean thing, how do you know what they’re home life is like. There are many stories of people who have got bullied in school and when they get home they get abused by their parents.

All that you do if you bully someone is probably give them a mental problem like anxiety or depression. If you don’t want to be the cause of that then please make a difference to someone’s life and be nice to everyone no matter how you feel inside.

Please help me make a difference in the world and lets stop bullying happening in the future.

I will leave you with two quotes:

1) There are those people out there who love to watch others suffer. Loyalty fades under pressure and there are very few knights out there that are willing to fight for you. But they are out there. - Ashley Evans, Nowhere safe

2) There’s a difference between Change and Changing for the better. - Ashley Evans, Nowhere safe


Until next time

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